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Box “Tropic” – L (Lady)


4 cocktails ( 4 kinds )

Cocktail “Caribbean Night” – 1 pc
Light rum / Aperol / Passion fruit syrup / Pineapple juice / Blue Anchan tea / Garnish – orange chip, tea rosebud and bamboo leaves

Blooming Island” cocktail – 1 pc
Tequila / Maraschino Liqueur / Sugar Syrup / Orange Juice / Pomegranate Fresh / Garnish – Dried Mango Slice

Spicy Mango Cocktail (Spicy Mango) – 1 pc
Light Rum / Spicy Mango & Pineapple Syrup / Lemon Fresh / Orange Juice / Garnish – Dried Mango Slice

Tropicana cocktail – 1 pc
Light Rum / Cherry Liqueur / Lemon Fresh


Composition of the box

  • Light Rum 100 ml
  • Tequila 40 ml
  • Aperol 20 ml
  • Maraschino liqueur 20 ml
  • Cherry liqueur 20 ml
  • Sugar syrup 10 ml
  • Passion fruit syrup 10 ml
  • Mango Spicy & Pineapple Syrup 20 ml
  • Tea (Tea Blue Anchan) 50 ml
  • Lemon Fresh 35 ml
  • Pomegranate Fresh 50 ml
  • Orange juice 250 ml
  • Pineapple juice 250 ml
  • A glass ( highball)
  • Glass ( old fashioned)
  • Shot glass (60 ml)
  • Bar spoon with heel
  • Cocktail list
  • Box list
  • Transparent sealed bag with napkins, 3 tubes wrapped, orange chip, tea rose bud, 2 bamboo leaves, 2 slices of dried mango
  • Transparent sealed bag with 3 ice packs
