Composition of the box
- Whiskey 100 ml
- Gin 110 ml
- Rum pale 130 ml
- Rum & Anchan 40 ml
- Tequila 80 ml
- Aperol 20 ml
- Cherry liqueur 60 ml
- Coconut liqueur 80 ml
- Amaretto liqueur 30 ml
- Strawberry liqueur 30 ml
- Maraschino liqueur 20 ml
- Banana liqueur 70 ml
- Blue curacao liqueur 10 ml
- Baileys liqueur 10 ml
- Orange liqueur 65 ml
- Lychee syrup 30 ml
- Mango Spicy & Pineapple Syrup 20 ml
- Cherry & Chocolate Syrup 25 ml
- Passion fruit syrup 50 ml
- Pomegranate syrup 10 ml
- Sugar syrup 10 ml
- Gum Arabic & Easy Foam 60 ml
- Gum Arabic & Easy Foam & Anchan 30 ml
- Lemon Fresh 160 ml
- Tea (Tea Blue Anchan) 50 ml
- Orange juice 250 ml
- Pineapple juice 500 ml
- Tumbler (premium highball)
- Glass ( old fashion premium)
- Shot glass (60 ml) 2 pcs
- Bar spoon with heel
- Shaker
- Jigger
- Geyser
- Cocktail list
- Box list
- Transparent sealed bag with napkins, 10 tubes packed, 3 orange chips, 2 Sicilian orange chips, 1 serving of saffron spice, 6 tea rose buds, dried cherries, 2 dried mango slices, bamboo leaves
- Transparent sealed bag with 10 ice packs